Our company
We are a Spanish subholding company with internacional projection
Iberdrola Energía Internacional, S.A.U. is the Spanish subholding company with internacional projection of the group of companies whose business activities are not controlled by other subholdings and whose activities are performed essentially outside the countries where those subholding companies are located, being its activities performed either directly, wholly or in part, by the company, or via ownership of shares or stakes in other companies, while remaining subject to the provisions of sectoral legislation applicable at all times, and especially to the electricity sector.
Iberdrola Energía Internacional, S.A.U. carries out its business in different territories through Iberdrola Renovables Internacional, S.A.U., which performs the activities of generating and marketing electrical power via facilities that use renewable energy sources
Iberdrola Energía Internacional's main responsibility is to disseminate, implement and ensure monitoring of the general policies, strategies and directives of the Iberdrola group in the territories in which its subsidiaries operate and to centralise the common services provided to these companies, in accordance with applicable law. Depending companies have their own boards of directors and have the independence required to perform ordinary, effective management of their businesses, and are also responsible for their ordinary control.
Learn about the Iberdrola Group's corporate structure
Iberdrola Renovables Internacional
Iberdrola Renovables International, S.A.U. is a Head of Business company of the renewable energy business that performs the activities of electric power generation and retailing through renewable energy sources and, consequently, is engaged in all kinds of activities, construction work and services related to the business of electricity production and retailing by means of plants that use renewable energy sources, including, but not limited to, hydraulic, wind power, thermosolar, photovoltaic or biomass-based production; the production, processing and marketing of biofuels and by-products; and the design, engineering, development, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the aforementioned plants, whether self- or third-party owned, analysis services, engineering studies or energy, environmental, technical or economic consultancy related to that type of facilities.
The hallmark of the Iberdrola Group is its steady growth and its forward vision to prepare for society's future energy needs. Effort, talent, commitment and excitement are some of the main elements in our history.
With its different business lines, Iberdrola currently has different projects. under construction, which have become true milestones for the company, due to their dimensions and to the commitment to innovation.
Iberdrola is a brand committed to protecting its environment and people. Therefore, it is currently the top European electric utility by market capitalisation and the global leader in renewable energy. A position built on values and firm commitments, with a corporate culture based on integrity and transparency, and with ethical behaviour at the forefront of its business model and decision-making chain.